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A Message from Our DirectorAwardsBoard of CommissionersCareersDoing BusinessEmergency Plan Standard Response ProtocolMeadow Gardens RedevelopmentMoving To WorkBoard Meetings and MinutesBuilding Better NeighborhoodsNorwalk Housing Departments & Staff Public Housing Authority PlanVolunteer
- Architectural Award for main office
- Award for BYTE (Building Young Technology Experts)
- Curb Award for Roodner Court
- National Award of Excellence from NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for the Youth Literacy Program
- National Award of Excellence from NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for the Scholarship Program
- Award of Excellence in Resident & Client Services, Youth Program, NHA Work Study Program from New England Regional Council of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- Award from Norwalk Reads
- Family Strengthening Award from the Family & Children's Agency
- Most Improved Housing Authority Housing Authority Insurance Group
- Jeffrey Wallace Award from the Connecticut Community Development Association
- M. Justin Herman Award from NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for achieving and setting the highest standards in the industry
- National Award of Merit from NAHRO (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) for Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- Norman Leeds Award for Excellence in Furthering United Way's Family Financial Stability Work
- Award of Merit from New England Regional Council of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for spearheading the development of Norwalk Reads!
- Reading Is Fundamental Award - Top Ten Rated Programs out of 3,600 programs
- Regional Award of Excellence from NAHRO for Youth Math Literacy Program
- Roodner Court Playground used as model in National Landscape Structures publication
- School Street Design Award
- Stepping Up for Children Award - Stepping Stones Museum for Children
- The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, recognized the Norwalk Housing Foundation's College Scholarship Program as a Top 25 program in this year's Innovations in American Government
- Neighborhood Networks Certificate of Achievement "for helping to create a vibrant community that fosters economic opportunity and life-long learning."- U. S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development
- Washington Village Site Renovation Award from Connecticut Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
- Since 2002 NHA has no Independent Public Accountant audit findings.
- June 30, 2014, Norwalk Housing Authority and its co-applicant, the City of Norwalk received a HUD Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to rebuild NHA's Washington Village development as mixed income housing and revitalize the surrounding neighborhood. This was one of four nationwide awards.