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Learning Centers


Norwalk Housing provides a range of educational opportunities for residents of assisted housing in Norwalk including free after school programs and enrichment programs for children. In addition, the dream of a college education is now possible for Norwalk Housing residents, thanks to the Norwalk Housing Foundation College Scholarship Program.

To enroll into the NHA Learning Center Program click here.



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Pick-Up Schedule

  • Monday-Friday 3:45-7pm. All children need to be picked up by 7pm.
  • The Centers will be closed when Norwalk Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather.
  • The Centers will be open during school breaks; hours will be 10am-2pm.
  • Summer Hours: 9:30am-2:45pm
  • School Vacation Hours: 10am-2pm

Norwalk Housing Literacy Program Award

Norwalk Housing received the National Award of Excellence from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for its after-school literacy program. The program pairs up students from K-12 with certified teachers to boost their reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, speaking and listening skills.