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February 9, 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting
A Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was held at 5:30PM February 09, 2023.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference

PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair
John Church, Commissioner
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
Isaac Walcott, Commissioner

ABSENT: Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer

STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Lisa Endo, Director of Development Project Management
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Linda Rolle, Director of Grants and Development
Donna Lattarulo, General Counsel


Acting Chair Brenda Penn- Williams opened the meeting via Zoom and recognized, Commissioner John Church, Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil and newly appointed Commissioner Isaac Walcott as present. Vice Chair Penn-Williams acknowledged the existence of a quorum. Adam Bovilsky noted Treasurer Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery would not be attending the meeting.

18-97 Acting Chair Brenda Penn-Williams made a motion to change the order of the meeting making the Election of Officers the first order of business.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Lacking any discussion, all Commissioners were in favor. By show of hands motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky stated that as Rev. Jeffrey A. Ingraham has resigned from position as Chair of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and is retiring from his church effective January 31,sthis departure has created a vacancy generating the need to elect a new Chair.

18-98 Commissioner Dupervil moved to elect Acting Chair Brenda Penn-Williams as the new Chair of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands with one abstention. Motion was carried.

Adam Bovilsky stated that as Commissioner Penn-Williams has been elected Chair, this will necessitate the position of Vice Chair to be filled and opened the floor for nominations.

18-99 Chair Brenda Penn-Williams nominated Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery as Vice Chair.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Walcott

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky stated the election of Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery as Vice President now created a vacancy in the position of Treasurer and opened the floor up to nominations.

Chair Penn-Williams stated that even though Commissioner Walcott was newly appointed by the mayor and tonight is Commissioner Walcott's first meeting she was nominating him for the position of Treasurer. His interest in the Norwalk Housing Authority's mission and his expertise as the Branch Manager and Vice President of Fairfield County Bank uniquely qualify him for the position.

19-00 Chair Brenda Penn-Williams nominated Commissioner Isaac Walcott as Treasurer.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Church

Commissioner Walcott

All in Favor by show of hands with one abstention. Motion was carried.

Adam Bovilsky thanked all Commissioners for their service.

The meeting returned to the Report of the Secretary.

Report of the Secretary:

Mr. Bovilsky welcomed Commissioner Walcott. Mr. Walcott's familiarity with NHA's mission as a former Scholarship Committee member and having overseen the NHA's accounts when the NHA banked with Fairfield County Bank, and his current position as Branch Manager Vice President of the Fairfield County Bank, will bring a significant amount of experience to the Norwalk Housing Board of Commissioners.

19-01 Chair Brenda Penn-Williams moved to hear public comment from Pauline Davis.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-02 Chair Brenda Penn-Williams moved to add pending legal matter regarding a tenant v. Norwalk Housing Authority to tonight's existing Executive Session.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Pauline Davis joined the meeting to thank Norwalk Housing for assisting with accommodations during the recent cold snap. She then expressed concerns regarding size and layout changes made during the modernization of her unit at Colonial Village. Mr. Bovilsky thanked her for the time she took to attend the meeting stating appropriate Norwalk Housing staff would review her concerns and create a comprehensive response.

The meeting returned to the Report of the Secretary.

- Using a PowerPoint Mr. Bovilsky display photographs of the recent 36 Fairfield Avenue kitchen renovations. These renovations include new flooring, countertops, and appliances.

- He then presented photos of the recent art show held at the Norwalk Art Space located at 455 West Avenue. During this show Norwalk Housing Learning Center students' compositions were displayed amongst works by professional artists.

- Mr. Bovilsky also shared photos of the January 26, 2023 farewell celebration in honor of long term member of NHA Board Commissioners and more recently Chair of the Board - Rev. Jeffrey A. Ingraham.

- Upcoming meetings March 9, 2023 @5:30pm and April 20 , 2023 @5:30pm. Mr. Bovilsky reminded staff and Commissioners that the April meeting was not on the usual meeting night. This was due to the Norwalk Public Schools vacation schedule.
New Business:

Greg Lickwola took the floor stating that Norwalk Housing had received four (4) responses to the RFP for the design of replacement kitchens at Main Avenue and Irving Freeze Apartments. Of these four (4) submissions, Mr. Lickwola is recommending Archidesign Group for this project. Archidesign Group has completed a significant amount of work for the NHA. They are reputable, adopt straightforward communication and the services are competitively priced.

19-03 Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to:

b. Select Archidesign Group LLC to design replacement of kitchens @ Main Avenue and Irving Freese Apartments.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in Favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-04 Commissioner Dupervil moved to:

c. Exercise extension of current website contract with Brooks Jeffreys.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Adam Bovilsky suggested tabling the Parking Policy updates as Commissioners had only recently received them.

19-05 Commissioner Church moved to table the Parking Policy updates.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

Commissioner Dupervil requested that changes to the Parking Policy be highlighted to aid Commissioners review.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Lisa Endo took the floor to recommend the hiring of Amenta Emma to provide ongoing architectural services as required by the Norwalk Housing Authority. Ms. Endo stated Amenta Emma holds the requisite experience in housing authority mixed-income and mixed-use project development, has worked extensively with CHFA, DOH and The CT Department of Transportation, is a leader in master planning, robust community engagement processes, sustainability and passive housing design, provides excellent references and maintains competitive fees.

Ms. Endo stated this contract is not to exceed $100,000 in a fiscal year. If the project requires a Request for Proposal, during the architect selection process Amenta Emma will be allowed to apply.

19-06 Commissioner Dupervil moved to:

e. Approve Amenta Emma to provide ongoing architectural services as needed by the Norwalk Housing Authority.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-07 Commissioner Church moved to:

f. Ratify three (3)NHA staff members to attend fair housing and de-escalation online seminar training 1 pm January 12, 2023 at a cost of $189 per person to be presented by Anne Sadovsy.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-08 Commissioner Church moved to approve:

g. Lisa Endo to attend a Fordham University Spring 2023 virtual Project Management Course at a cost of $595.00.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-09 Commissioner Church move to approve:

h. Staff and Commissioner to attend the NAHRO 2023 Washington Conference - NAHRO at 90, March 22-24 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C at a room rate of $269 per night plus tax. Early bird conference registration fees if made before February 15th are charged at a rate of $545.00.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky noted that the January 2023 Norwalk Housing Board of Commissioners meeting was canceled.

19-10 Commissioner Church moved to approve:

i. Minutes of the December 8, 2022 meeting.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

19-11 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

j. Department Reports

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

AT 6:16pm

19-12 Commissioner Dupervil move to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter and a tenant litigation matter.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky asked Kras Carlucci, Lisa Endo, and Attorney Lattarulo to remain. The remaining staff was excused from the meeting.

At 7:08pm

19-13 Commissioner Church moved to adjourn from the Executive Session.

Commissioner Walcott second

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands. Commissioners moved out of the Executive Session.

Mr. Bovilsky reported Commissioners moved to proceed with the real estate negotiations following the parameters established during the Executive Session.

19-14 Commissioner Dupervil moved to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner John Church
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Walcott

All in favor by show of hands.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director