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June 13, 2024 Minutes Annual Meeting

Minutes of Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:36pm June 13, 2024.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair - arrived at 5:38pm
John Church, Treasurer
Isaac Walcott, Commissioner 
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Anna Keegan, Director of MTW and Policy 
Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations
Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance
Lisa Endo, VP of Development
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Linda Rolle, Director of Grants Norwalk Housing Foundation 
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Donna Lattarulo, General Council  
Keisha Palmer, Norwalk Housing Bond Council

PUBLIC ATTENDING: Arthur Greenblatt, Vesta Corp LLC
Brenda Adgerson, 16 School Street, Bldg. 1, Apt. 22
Roll Call:

At 5:36pm, Chair Penn-Williams opened the meeting. Chair Penn-Williams recognized Treasurer John Church, Commissioner Isaac Walcott, and Commissioner Teneshia Jacobs as present and acknowledged the presence of a quorum.  She noted that Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery was expected shortly. 

Report of the Secretary:

Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:

a. Norwalk Housing received a $3.3 million Brownfield Award from the Connecticut Department of Economic Development (DECD). These funds will be allocated for the demolition of Meadow Gardens. Governor Lamont will formally acknowledge this project in a press conference scheduled for 11:00 AM tomorrow. All Commissioners are invited to attend. 

b. Grants recently received include:
- $50,000 Community Block Development Grant (CDBG) for the siding of the Mutual Housing property 30 Chestnut Street.
- $50,000 Community Block Development Grant (CDBG) for constructing a ramp between the 20 West parking lot and the 20 West building. 
- $15,000 grant from the Women's Business and Development Council. This grant was requested for the repair of the 20 West LC HVAC system. 
- $5,000 donated by Danbury Savings Bank to the Norwalk Housing Scholarship program

c. Major Events Planning - Key items we are working on now:
• CHFA/DOH Meadow Gardens funding application
• Finding then moving to a new central office
• October 2024 Implementation of HOTMA, Annual plan / 5-year plan / MTW Supplement due 2.5 months early 
• October 2024 - demolition of Meadow Gardens 
• December 2024- software system switch to PHA Web 
• January 2025 -Opening of Oak Grove 
Upcoming Events / Board Meetings:
• June 14, 2024 - Governor's press conference at Meadow Gardens to acknowledge Brownfield Grant 
• July 31, 2024- NHF Ceremony 5:30 PM at SONO Collection

• July 11 and August 8, 2024, 5:30 PM via ZOOM- Regular Board Meetings

Mr. Bovilsky introduced the next item on the agenda.
Election of Officers:

30-05 Commissioner Church made a motion to re-elect:

a. Brenda Penn-Williams as Chair

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

AYES                                                  ABSTAINED
Treasurer Church                            Chair Penn-Williams
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Walcott 
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery

Motion was carried. 

30-06 Chair Penn-Williams made a motion to re-elect:

b. Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery as Vice Chair

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

AYES                                              ABSTAINED
Chair Penn-Williams                Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Walcott 

Motion carried. 

30-07 Chair Penn-Williams Made a motion to re-elect:

c. John Church as Treasurer

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

AYES                                            ABSTAINED
Chair Penn-Williams                      Treasurer Church
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Walcott 

Motion carried.

New Business:
Mr. Bovilsky asked Arthur Greenblatt to take the floor to answer questions regarding the Norwalk Housing bond issuance benefitting Vesta Corporation LLC for the rehabilitation of Monterey Village. Mr. Bovilsky stated NHA supports these renovations as it is in the best interest of the tenants. Chair Penn-Williams stressed the importance of communicating with families about their impending move during the rehabilitation. Mr. Greenblatt stated tenant meetings are being scheduled to address these concerns. He invited Chair Penn-Williams and NHA staff to attend. Attorney Palmer briefly took the floor to discuss the structure of the bond resolution. 
30-08 Treasurer Church made a motion to approve:

a. Resolution of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk to authorize the issuance of and sale of Housing Authority multifamily bonds (Fannie Mae MBS-Secured) not to exceed $50,000,000 for the rehabilitation of Monterey Village Apartments by Vesta Monterey Village LLC. 

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Arthur Greenblatt left the meeting. 

Mr. Bovilsky asked Lisa Endo to take the floor to introduce the next item on the agenda. Ms. Endo requested that Board of Commissioners authorize repayment of the Oak Grove Sponsor Loan to Sound Communities in regular installments, as the repayments from Oak Grove are received. She noted that the promissory note regarding the Sponsor Loan names Norwalk Housing Authority (NHA) as the lender. This means that loan repayments, expected to begin once the property (Oak Grove) is fully stabilized in late 2025, will go to the NHA. Since the intent of the seed funding is to stay with Sound Communities the repayment should be transferred from NHA to Sound Communities. 

30-09 Commissioner Walcott moved to authorize:

b. Sound Communities to receive repayments for the Oak Grove Sponsorship loan of $4,000,000.

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Mr. Bovilsky reiterated that this resolution clarifies the intent regarding repayment and transfer of funds from Oak Grove income.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Lisa Endo remained on the floor to introduce the next item requesting the Commissioners approve the tax abatement agreement for Meadow Gardens. Ms. Endo stated that Norwalk Housing Authority and Sound Communities negotiated a tax abatement agreement with the City of Norwalk for the redevelopment of Meadow Gardens (59 units, plus a Learning Center). The Common Council approved the terms of the agreement on May 28, 2024.

Ms. Endo noted that this tax calculation will be:
5% of (shelter rents not including rental subsidies subtracting trash collection and owner paid utilities) Estimated annual PILOT would be around $40,000.
Mr. Bovilsky noted that this agreement mirrors the most favorable tax abatement among all Norwalk Housing developments. He thanked the City of Norwalk for supporting the Norwalk Housing Authority's mission of providing safe and affordable housing

30-10 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to authorize:

c. Adam Bovilsky to execute the Meadow Gardens tax abatement agreement on behalf of Sound Communities with the City of Norwalk. 

Treasurer Church seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky asked Charmaine Davis-Ford and Kras Carlucci to present the results of the HUD Quality Assurance Division (QAD) audit. 

d. QAD Audit

The QAD function is to enhance performance, accountability, and data reporting of public housing agencies (PHAs) in voucher rental assistance and homeownership programs, ensuring cost-effectiveness. Both Ms. Carlucci and Ms. Davis-Ford referred to audit findings, the Norwalk Housing response, and required changes because of these findings. 
Commissioners confirmed the Norwalk Housing Authority quality assurance protocol.

A vote was not required.

Chair Penn-Williams said that while we are discussing audits, we should create an Audit/Finance committee comprised of Treasurer Church and Commissioner Walcott. Commissioners decided that the function of an audit committee could be further defined and discussed outside of the meeting. 

Mr. Bovilsky asked Kras Carlucci introduce the next item on the agenda requesting approval for a contract with Nan McKay support services to complete:
1 - One-Year Annual Plan - $17,406
2 - Five-Year Plan - $17,406
3 - Full HCV file review - (requirement of the QAD Audit) - $98,843
4 - Operating procedures review - (response to the QAD Audit) - $5,730

30-11 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

e. (1) One-Year Annual Plan, (2) Five-Year Plan and (3) Operating procedures review as presented in the contract. 
Treasurer Church seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Commissioner Church asked to amend the contract for the full HCV file review to limit cost exposure. Commissioners voted separately on (4) Full HCV file review.

30-12 Treasurer Church move to approve:

e. (4) Full HCV Review - $98.843 with the contract to be amended by Attorney Lattarulo to include language that identifies any potential cost overruns early in the contract term and limits the financial liability of the agency.  

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky suggested that Nan McKay be asked to keep NHA apprised of the costs as the full HCV file review proceeds. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

 Mr. Bovilsky turned the floor over to Nicole Ruffin to present the revisions to the Personnel Policy hiring procedure. 

30-13 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

f. Norwalk Housing Hiring policy revisions

Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

The Commissioners reviewed and recognized these procedures as standard practices within the hiring process.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Anna Keegan to present policy regarding the use of Norwalk Housing Authority's EnVision Center at 30 Day Street. Ms. Keegan stated that this resource center aims to serve as a hub for community services, focusing on four pillars: economic development, educational advancement, health and wellness, and character and leadership. The policy she presented outlined EnVision Center terms and conditions of using the EnVision Center.

30-14 Treasurer Church made a motion to approve:

g. Envision Center reservation policy and reservation form

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky mentioned that COVID-19 hindered the utilization of the EnVision Center. This policy has been developed to further define appropriate use of this space that meets both the Low Income Housing Tax Credit obligations and our goals of serving the community. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Kras Carlucci who requested that Commissioners approve a one-year contract extension with Family and Children's Agency (FCA) to provide services such as assistance with finding and renting at senior developments, wellness checks, unit inspections, protective services referrals, help with hoarding issued, rent rebates, and activities for NHA Seniors. 

30-15 Treasurer Church moved to approve: 

h. Renewal of FCA Services Contract for a period of one year.

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried.

As Greg Lickwola was not in attendance, Mr. Bovilsky presented the next item, which involved the selection of an architect for replacement of kitchens at 16 School Street. Mr. Bovilsky explained that to apply for State Sponsored Housing Portfolio (SSHP) funds through Connecticut Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA), the Housing Authority must submit drawings and bids received as part of that application. Of the three (3) proposals submitted Lothrop Associates Architects best meets the selection criteria.

30-16 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
I. Contract in the amount of $38,800 with Lothrop Associates Architects for drawings of new kitchens at 16 School Street.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

At 7:30 PM

Chair Penn-Williams recognized Brenda Adgerson of 16 School Street, Bldg. 1 Apt. 22, who took the floor to say thank you to NHA for moving ahead with the new kitchens.


Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

30-17 Treasurer Church moved to approve:

j. Minutes of the May 16, 2024, meeting

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky introduced Charmaine Davis-Ford to present the Finance report. Ms. Davis-Ford stated that following the year-end write-offs the rent collection rate is improving and repayment agreements are being signed. She also referenced the number of families issued Notices to Quit and who will likely sign court ordered repayment agreements. She then reviewed the Operating Statement saying that receipt of the Moving to Work (MTW) funds previously expended has positively affected the organization's bottom line. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted that Greg Lickwola will be presenting Modernization reports at the next meeting. 

30-18 - Treasurer Church made a motion to approve: 

k. Department reports

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

30-19 Treasurer Church moved to adjourn the meeting. 

Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:01pm. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

 Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director