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June 10, 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 6:07 PM Thursday June 10, 2021.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference


Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chairman
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair (in route to meeting)
Sheri Brown, Treasurer
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner


Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner


Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Greg Lickwola, Construction Manager
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Donna Lattarulo, Legal Counsel


Richard Chumney, Norwalk Hour

Meeting began at 6:07 PM.

Chairman Ingraham opened the meeting via Zoom video and recognized the following present - Chairman Ingraham, Treasurer Sheri Brown, and Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil. Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams was in route. Ingraham acknowledged the existence of a quorum.

Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:

  • No substantial changes to DIMEO workforce reporting.
  • Colonial Village expansion -  Greg stated CV modernization phases 1 & 2 were complete. Phases 3 would be complete mid-July. Phase 4 families will move into swing spaces.
  • Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams joined the meeting.
  • Due to the recent shooting at Colonial Village plus gunfire near Meadow Gardens complex, Norwalk Housing has begun a deliberative process to expand current security features at Colonial Village and Meadow Gardens. Working with both input from the Norwalk Police and a local security firm, Colonial Village cameras/lighting should be upgraded by July 4, 2021. 
  • COVID 19 - Adam stated Norwalk Housing is tracking employee vaccinations to determine, without requiring mandatory vaccinations, best timing for NH staff to safely return to the  Central Office.  This evaluation will  include optimal timing/method of opening to the public. Eventually a policy will be brought back to the board.
  • MTW status - Kras Carlucci stated as discussed at a previous meeting Norwalk Housing has opted to apply for the Landlord Incentive Moving to Work (MTW) Cohort. Nan McKay will assist in the application process. Adam Bovilsky stated MTW is cutting  edge experimental program which if successful HUD implement as new standard procedure. 
  • Upcoming meetings to include July 8th and August 12th - please note July 8th has been added to the schedule.
  • Thanks to Christian Hill and Wendy Gerbier - Norwalk Housing Learning Centers received three $25,000 Summer Enrichment Expansion Grants from the CT State Dept. of Education. These grants will support continuation NHA Learning Centers summer education opportunities.

Election of Officers:

17-67 - Commissioner Brown moved to:

a. Nominate Rev. Jeffrey Ingraham as Chair of the Norwalk Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams 
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil

ABSTAINED                                                                Commissioner Ingraham


All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

17-68 - Commissioner Dupervil moved to:

b. Nominate Brenda Penn-Williams as Vice Chair of the Norwalk Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Ingraham seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham 
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil

ABSTAINED                                                                Commissioner Penn-Williams


All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

17-69 - Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to:

c. Nominate Sheri Brown as Treasurer of the Norwalk Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham 
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil

ABSTAINED                                                                  Commissioner Sheri Brown


All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

New Business:

Paul Modugno introduced  the 2021-2022 Colonial Village Management Plan. Mr. Modugno stated the minimal 2.65% OCAP increase will not be reflected in resident rent but will increase income to the NHA.

17-70 - Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to approve:

a. Colonial Village Management Plan August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2022.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil



All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

17-71 - Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

b. Tianna Brown tuition reimbursement for two classes towards a Master of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership at Quinnipiac University, Hamden CT Spring Session 2021 at a cost of $6,030.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Mr. Bovilsky stated he is strongly in favor of supporting NHA Education policy as this increases Staff effectiveness and impact on the organization.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil


All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

Mr. Bovilsky stated due to an administrative matter May Minutes will be presented at the next meeting.

17-72 - Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

c. Department Reports

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Adam and Paul noted current utilization of CARES ACT funding.

AYES                                                                          Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil



All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

Before adjourning Commissioners briefly discussed the results of May 24th - 27th opening of the Section 8 Waitlist. Adam stated applications were received and put into a lottery by our consultants and from this lottery 1,000 applicants will be placed on the Norwalk Housing Section 8 Waiting List.

Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion. All in favor.

At 7:40 PM the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director