November 18, 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was held at 5:30pm Thursday November 18, 2021.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chair
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Donna Lattarulo, Legal Counsel
PUBLIC ATTENDING: Julia Hall, Dimeo Construction Compliance Coordinator
Joe Ryan, Dimeo Construction Project Manager
Teri Robertson, Nan McKay
Meeting began at 5:34 PM.
Chairman Ingraham opened the meeting via Zoom video and recognized the following present - Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams, Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, and Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil. He then acknowledged the existence of a quorum.
Adam Bovilsky noted Sheri Brown had resigned from the Board of Commissioners after her election to the NPS Board of Education as required by CT State Law. Mr. Bovilsky and the Commissioners thanked Ms. Brown for her service to the Norwalk Housing Authority.
Report of the Secretary:
Re: Soundview Landing Project Summary:
- Mr. Bovilsky introduced Julia Hall who presented Washington Village Phase 1, 2 & 3 Final Workforce & Business Initiative Compliance Summary. Ms. Hall stated Dimeo's goal while meeting contract requirements, was to increase workforce participation in the following categories - Minority, Female, Apprentice, Section 3, and CT residents. As a result of outreach events and additional training programs Dimeo met almost all of their hiring goals. Dimeo hired 88% CT residents and exceeded their hiring goals in the categories of minority and Section 3 hires. They missed their target for apprentices by less than 1% and missed their goal for women by almost 4%. Ms. Hall noted when COVID 19 struck, Dimeo saw women leave the workforce in greater numbers than their male counterparts. As for their subcontracting goals, they doubled their goal for hiring MBEs and nearly doubled their goal for hiring SBEs. They ended a little short on their Section 3 contracts goal.
RE: Colonial Village Update:
- Negotiations with potential developer Heritage Housing continue as well as scheduled Phase 1 renovation.
- Only 8 of the 89 Norwalk Housing Staff are not vaccinated. Those 8 Staff have been granted either a religious or medical exemption and will be required to comply with weekly testing obligations. Staff are now scheduled to return to the office Monday January 3, 2022. This date is subject to fluctuations in COVID-19 numbers.
Nomination of new NH Treasurer:
Due to the resignation of Sheri Brown the Commissioners held a brief election to Nominate a new Treasurer.
17-98 Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams moved to:
Nominate Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery as Treasurer of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk.
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky stated the Mayor of the City of Norwalk would appoint a new Commissioner.
Upcoming dates:
- December 9th Public Hearing regarding 2022 PHA Plan/ Regular meeting and January 13th Regular Meeting.
Mr. Bovilsky then noted the City of Norwalk renamed Chestnut Street in honor of Caesar Ramirez.
Bovilsky also thanked The Ritter Family Foundation for a generous grant supporting the Norwalk Housing Learning Centers and thanked The Fairfield Count Community Association for a donation to the Norwalk Housing Foundation.
Adam Bovilsky suggested to meet time constraints of guest Teri Robertson that the meeting skip to new business and the discussion of the 2022 PHA (Public Housing Agency) Plan.
All Commissioners agreed.
New Business:
Teri Robertson of Nan McKay stated the goal of the 2022 PHA plan is to meet HUD reporting requirements and to update HUD on the Norwalk Housing Authority's progress towards the 2020 Five (5) Year plan. She presented on the highlights of the plan and answered questions from the Commissioners. This plan is available for review on the Norwalk Housing Website. The Norwalk Housing Authority will be asking the Commissioners to approve the following the Public Hearing scheduled for December 9, 2022.
The meeting returned to its regular order.
Old Business:
a. Discussion of Eviction Prevention Program.
This was in response to Commissioner Dupervil's request regarding eviction prevention resources for Norwalk Housing residents. In addition to the robust resources available at the EnVision Center and accessible to all NH participants, Mr. Bovilsky confirmed the following resources available to Norwalk Residents -Family Navigators sponsored by the City of Norwalk, the Unite Us referral platform, Unite CT sponsored by the State of CT, and FCA has Crisis Counselors who will provide direct counseling services to NHA tenants for up to 3 months free of charge. Additionally there are the usual financial education and cash assistance resources provided by Person to Person and other agencies. Mr. Bovilsky stated staff is aware of these resources and when appropriate refers residents who could benefit from the assistance.
17-99 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
b. Contract with Health and Human Services Council (HSC) as Ludlow Commons Management Service Provider
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Kras Carlucci stated that NH/Ludlow Commons has successfully worked with HSC for the last 5 years. In addition to providing 24/7 staffing and services, they are responsive and engaged with the residents. HSC was the only responsive bidder. AYES
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
All in favor. Motion was carried.
18-00 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
c. Commissioners and Staff to attend NAHRO Virtual Classroom entitled Commissioners' Fundamentals Virtual Classroom, November 30 - December 3 1:00-4:00pm ET at a membership cost of $410.00 per person.
Commission Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
All in favor. Motion was carried.
18-01 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
d. Minutes of the 10.14.2021 Board Meeting
Commission Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
All in favor. Motion was carried.
18-02 Commissioner Brenda- Penn Williams voted to approve:
e. Department Reports
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
At 7:06 Commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director