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June 08, 2023 Minutes


The Annual Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was held at 5:34PM June 8, 2023.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair (arrived at: 5:58 PM)   
Isaac Walcott, Treasurer
John Church, Commissioner
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations 
Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Lisa Endo, Director of Development Project Management
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance 
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Donna Lattarulo, General Council  (arrived at 5:42 PM)

PUBLIC: Lorri Ricci, Winn Residential
Patrick Lee, Trinity Financial (arrived at 5:42PM )
Rudy Russell, Trinity Financial (arrived at 5:42 PM)
Darlene Young, City of Norwalk (arrived at 5:50 PM)
Chair Brenda Penn-Williams opened the meeting via Zoom recognizing Commissioner John Church, Commissioner Isaac Walcott, and newly appointed Resident Commissioner Teneshia Jacobs as present and noting Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery would be arriving shortly.  Chair Penn-Williams acknowledged the existence of a quorum. Adam Bovilsky also noted Lori Ricci of Winn Residential as present. 

Report of the Secretary:

a.  Mr. Bovilsky noted that due to the hazardous air caused by Canadian forest fires and at the recommendation of the Norwalk Health Department the NHA Learning Center closed operations for yesterday and today.   The Maintenance Department is working inside.  As soon as the atmosphere clears both the Learning Centers and Maintenance Department will return to normal activities. 

b.  Mr. Bovilsky noted NHA is still in the process of obtaining the documents necessary to complete a merger with Mutual Housing. At this point NHA is unprepared to make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.  The Mutual Housing Physical Needs Assessment will have been completed by July 20th. Hopefully, NHA will bring a recommendation to the Board at the July 20th Special Meeting.  

c.  Mr. Bovilsky noted the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program participant has just graduated.  Monies rigorously earned by the participant will be used to further support the participant's self-sufficiency. 

d.  Mr. Bovilsky stated the Learning Center students recently participated in a remarkable production of The Little Mermaid performed at the Music Center of Connecticut.  LC students received much deserved recognition for this performance.

e.  Raised gardens have been completed at both Irving Freese Senior Development and King Kennedy Learning Centers.  These gardens create an opportunity to grow fresh fruit and vegetables while promoting healthy eating habits. 

f.  Norwalk Housing has applied for 25 Family Unification Program (FUP) vouchers. These competitive vouchers distributed only by DCF are used to reunite children and their families.  These vouchers help provide a stable home which is one distinguishing factor of a stable family. 

g.  Regarding upcoming meetings, Mr. Bovilsky noted a regular meeting is scheduled for July 13th  and an additional Special meeting scheduled July 20th .  He also noted the Norwalk Housing Foundation Scholarship Ceremony will be held on July 19th. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted Commissioner Jacobs had dropped off the meeting, but quorum was maintained. 

19-43 Commissioner Walcott moved to change the order of the meeting moving:

4. Old Business: 

a. Soundview Landing update to the first item considered for discussion.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Lorri Ricci of Winn Property Management took the floor.

Ms. Ricci detailed recent steps taken by Winn addressing resident concerns, the largest issue being pest control. Norwalk Councilwoman Darlene Young suggested establishing additional communications channels between residents and Winn staff would improve resident satisfaction and Winn's effectiveness.  The floor was then turned over to Patrick Lee of Trinity Financial. Mr. Lee introduced Rudy Russell.   Mr. Lee stated that as a member of the Trinity Financial team, one of Mr. Russell's functions is to facilitate interaction between Trinity Financial, Trinities' properties and Winn Property Management. Chair Penn-Williams stated all ideas offered could positively impact residents.   Her concern was the health and safety of Norwalk Housing tenants residing in Soundview Landing.  

At 6:30 PM:

Patrick Lee, Ruddy Russell, Lorri Ricci, and Councilwoman Darlene Young left the meeting.

19-44 John Church moved to change the order of the meeting moving: 

5. New Business - 

The Executive Session as the second item on the agenda. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

At 6:33 PM:

19-45 Commissioner Church made a motion to adjourn to:

h.  Executive Session to discuss possible Real Estate Transaction.

Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Commissioners and NHA staff moved into Executive Session. 

At 7:04 PM: 

19-46 Commissioner Church moved to return from Executive Session to the Regular Meeting. 

Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Commissioners and NHA staff moved out of Executive session.  

19-47 Commissioner Walcott moved to:

Authorize Mr. Bovilsky and appropriate staff to bid on Real Estate as discussed in the Executive session.  

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

The meeting returned to:

3. Election of officers: 

19-48 Commissioner Church moved to:

a. Nominate Brenda Penn-Williams as Chair.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted there were no nominations from the floor. 

AYES                                     ABSTAINED  

Commissioner Montgomery     Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

Three (3) in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted that due to technical issues Commissioner Jacobs was not able to vote. 

19-49 Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to:

b. Nominate Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery as Vice Chair.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted there were no nominations from the floor. 

Commissioner Walcott                 
Commissioner Penn-Williams    
Commissioner Church

ABSTAINED                                                              Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery

Three (3) in favor.  Motion was carried. 

19-50 Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to elect John Church as Treasurer. 

This motion did not receive a second. 

19-51 Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to nominate:

c. Commissioner Isaac Walcott as Treasurer.

John Church seconded the motion.

Mr. Bovilsky noted that there were no nominations from the floor. 

AYES                                                     ABSTAINED

Commissioner Penn-Williams                   Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Church

Three (3) in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky asked Kras Carlucci to take the floor to introduce the Norwalk Housing Authority Emergency Management Plan.  Ms. Carlucci stated that once approved this plan will be available to all staff, residents, and the City of Norwalk.  This plan formally establishes emergency protocol, the goal of which is to protect the health and safety of NHA staff and NHA residents. 

19-52 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

a. Emergency Management Plan

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Church suggested that as this document was written to protect both NHA staff and residents, residents in addition to NHA staff should be referenced in the second sentence of the Emergency Plan Introduction.  Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery confirmed that this plan also applies to the Learning Center Staff and students as well. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Kras Carlucci also introduced the Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) conducted by Nelrod.  This assessment prioritizes repairs and replacements for NHA properties over the next five years. 

19-53 Commissioner Church moved to approve:

b. Physical Needs Assessment Prioritization

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

Lisa Endo left the meeting at 7:00PM. 

Mr. Bovilsky took the floor to present on behalf of Lisa Endo.  He stated that as Norwalk Housing approaches relocating Meadow Garden residents, staff has recognized the need to hire a Relocation Service Provider. This service provider would deliver relocation assistance to the Meadow Garden public housing residents in advance of  and during the redevelopment.  Given their experience and qualifications NHA staff recommends Judy Cohn Housing and Relocation Specialists. The Zoom interview with Judy Cohn Housing and Relocation Specialist reflected a knowledgeable and organized approach to meeting relocation requirements.  Judy Cohn and the team also reflected excellent communication skills and a responsiveness to NHA's obligations during these relocations. 

19-54 Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

c. Meadow Gardens Relocation Service Provider Contract with Judy Cohn Housing and Relocation Specialists.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams requested that Judy Cohn Housing and Relocation Specialist provide a presentation to the NHA Board of Commissioners. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky also presented the staff recommendation for the extension of the contract with Amenta Emma. Mr. Bovilsky stated that Amenta Emma is currently under a retainer for up to $100,000 a year of architectural design services. Under this retainer , Amenta Emma has produced a yield study, and sit plan for Meadow Gardens , as well as gathered civil engineer proposals , collaborated on a project timeline, and presented separately to the NHA Board of Commissioners and Norwalk Planning and Zoning Director. Because this work has fully met staff expectations and been well received by stakeholders' staff recommend the expansion of this contract. This contract will include design services for an expected 78,300 sq ft of residential space and 6,000 sq ft of community space. 

1955 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

d.  Expansion of the contract with Amenta Emma for $1,250.000, as well as a subcontract for Langan Engineers in the amount of $224,250. 

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

In response to a question posed by Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery Mr. Bovilsky noted that the proposed fee is considered normal for a development of this type. The Amenta Emma architectural fee of 4.6% of the projected cost of the project.   The industry standard is 5% of the projected cost of the project.  

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

1956 Commissioner Church move to approve:

e.  Resolution authorizing environmental land use restriction at 13/20 Day Street. 

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky noted that contamination of this property has been remediated and that as required by law, this environmental remediation is recorded in the City of Norwalk Land Records. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

19-57 Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to approve:

f.  Minutes of May 20, 2023 Minutes, amended to reflect Commissioner John Church and Director of Housing Operations Anna Keegan were not in attendance.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams Commissioner Church
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott

Motion was carried. 

At the suggestion of Chair Brenda Penn-Williams the Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance, gave an overview of the Finance reports stating that the receivable reports as of 03/31/2023 showed that 10% of the uncollected rent were related to the federal programs. The overall performance of revenue over expenses in the federal program remains stable despite the 12.4% increase of expenses (attributed by the maintenance expenses and the rising utility expenses). 

19-58 Commissioner Church move to approve:

g.  Department Reports

Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.  

Commissioner Church noted a $400,000 increase in expenses and the same increase in income. Ms. Davis Ford stated that she would be able to give Commissioners a better picture of expenses and income following the yearly audit. She also noted that the NHA finance department system of checks and balances maintains strict compliance with accepted accounting procedures and oversight over agency finances. 

Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

19-59 Commissioner Church moved to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

All in favor.  
At 8:05 PM 

The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, 


 Adam Bovilsky 
 Executive Director