September 14, 2023 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was held at 5:39 PM September 14,2023.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: John Church, Commissioner
Isaac Walcott, Treasurer
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
ABSENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance
Lisa Endo, Director of Development Project Management
Anna Keegan, Director of Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Irvin Clemons, Director of IT
Donna Lattarulo, General Council
Roll Call:
In the absence of Chair Penn-Williams and Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Walcott made a motion to ask Commissioner Church to Chair the meeting. This motion was seconded by Commissioners Jacobs. Commissioners voted in favor of asking Commissioner Church to lead the meeting. Commissioner Church opened the meeting acknowledging the presence of Treasurer Walcott and Commissioner Jacobs and the existence of a quorum.
Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following progress updates:
a. New front doors have been installed at Roodner Court.
b. Arch Street renovations now include replacement of siding and installation of new windows. All renovations could be completed by the middle of October.
c. Photographs of renovated Main Avenue kitchens. These renovations included new appliances, flooring, cabinets, and countertops.
d. Update of the integration of Mutual Housing into Norwalk Housing Sound Communities is progressing . NHA has spoken with legal counsel regarding deed restrictions, maintenance staff has been assigned to Mutual Housing properties, NHA is set to transfer the finances the 2nd week in October and will begin collecting rent November 1st. Next steps include providing multiple opportunities for Mutual Housing residents to meet NHA/Sound Communities Staff, recertifying residents' income, setting new base rents, and creating and signing new leases.
e. Mr. Bovilsky noted upcoming Regular Meetings are scheduled October 12th and November 9th.
Mr. Bovilsky yielded the floor to Lisa Endo, who introduced a proposal requesting an augmentation of the sponsorship loan from NHA/Sound Communities for the Oak Grove project. Ms. Endo explained that this request stemmed from several factors, including wage hikes, enhanced window installations, challenges within the supply chain, solar design and installation costs, access to solar tax credits, as well as the lender's stipulation for an addition to the project reserve and an upsurge in interest rates.
New Business:
19-95 Treasurer Walcott made a motion to approve:
a. Extension of the sponsorship loan up to $4,000,000 from Sound Communities to Oak Grove.
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott stated that this request for an increase in reserve amounts was reflective of his experience with market demands. Commissioners then engaged in a discussion about potential strategies for recouping the increased costs.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in favor. Motion was carried.
19-96 Treasurer Walcott moved to approve:
b. Minutes of the meeting of August 10, 2023
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in Favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky ceded the floor over to Charmaine Davis Ford for the presentation of the finance report. She stated tonight's presentation focused again on accounts receivables offering a more detailed examination of NHA efforts to increase receivables and pinpointing areas that require additional attention.
Commissioner Church and Treasurer Walcott noted Ms. Davis Ford's presentation was comprehensive and provided insight into NHA's efforts to boost receivables and highlighted areas where challenges remain.
19-97 Treasurer Walcott moved to approve:
c. Department Reports
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky proceeded to introduce the Addendum to tonight's agenda, after which he passed the floor over to Kras Carlucci. Ms. Carlucci requested that the Commissioners approve the 2024 HCV payment standards, which would become effective November 1, 2023.
19-98 Commissioner Church moved to approve:
d. Norwalk Housing 2024 Section 8/ HCV payment standards effective as of November 1, 2023.
Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in Favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky introduced item e. on the Addendum.
19-99 Treasurer Walcott moved to approve:
e. Charmaine Davis-Ford and Michael Fisher to attend the BDO Seminar NUTS AND BOLTS OF HUD ACCOUNTING to be held September 20th-22nd, at BDO Philadelphia Offices 1801 Market Street Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA at a cost of $1025 per person.
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
Motion was carried.
Anna Keegan, Wendy Gerbier, Linda Rolle, and Irvin Clemons left the meeting.
At 6:22 PM
20-00 Treasurer Walcott made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss 3 items:
a. Tenant Request to intervene in a litigation matter
b. Allow the Executive Director, on behalf of NHA, to sign a document to the IRS
c. Allow Executive Director to execute Ground Lease on behalf of Mutual Housing.
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
At 6:55 PM
20-01 Treasurer Walcott moved to exit the Executive Session.
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
All in favor. Commissioners exited the Executive Session.
20-02 Vote for Commissioners to intervene on behalf of tenant it relates to a litigation matter as discussed in the Executive Session.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
Commissioners abstained from voting, opting not to intervene on behalf of a tenant matter discussed in the Executive Session.
Motion failed.
20-03 Commissioner Church made a motion to allow Executive Director, Adam Bovilsky, per instructions given in the Executive Session, to sign a letter to the IRS on behalf of Norwalk Housing.
Commissioners Church moved to authorize the Executive Director, Adam Bovilsky, per terms discussed in the Executive Session, to execute a ground lease on behalf of Mutual Housing pertaining to property at 55 Woodward Avenue.
Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion.
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in Favor. Motion was carried.
Commissioner Church made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
All in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director