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Section 8 Homeownership Program Guidelines

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) homeownership program allows families that are assisted under the HCV program to use their voucher to buy a home and receive monthly assistance in meeting homeownership expenses. 


To participate in Norwalk Housing Authority's HCV Homeownership Program, you MUST: 

  1. Be a Norwalk Housing Authority Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher holder for at least one year
  2. Qualify as a First-Time Home Buyer
  3. Meet the Employment Requirement
  4. Meet the Income Requirements
  5. Be in good standing with Norwalk Housing Authority
  6. Have at least $6,000 in a non-retirement savings account
  7. Have required down payment of 3% of home purchase price
  8. Complete a HUD-certified First-Time Homebuyer's Certification Program within one year of purchase (Find one here: HUD Housing Counseling)
  9. Secure a home loan and a home that meets the criteria for voucher homeownership assistance (Find a list of CHFA-participating lenders here: CHFA Participating Lenders)


For more info, please contact (203) 354-1840