Section 8
Family Self-SufficiencyHousing Choice Voucher (HCV) Payment StandardsLandlord IncentivesLandlord PortalLandlord Section 8 Participant HandbookParticipantsResourcesSection 8 - FAQsSection 8 Homeownership ProgramSection 8 Homeownership Program GuidelinesSection 8 Recertification PacketSection 8 Utility Allowances
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Payment Standards
Effective 11/01/2023
Low and Moderate Census Tracts: 432, 434, 437, 438, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445
With All Utilities Included
0 Bedroom $1,995.00 |
1 Bedroom $2,434.00 |
2 Bedroom $2,943.00 |
3 Bedroom $3,586.00 |
4 Bedroom $3,920.00 |
Middle & Upper Census Tracks: 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 433, 435, 436, 439, 443, 446
With All Utilities Included
0 Bedroom $2,137.00 |
1 Bedroom $2,608.00 |
2 Bedroom $3,154.00 |
3 Bedroom $3842.00 |
4 Bedroom $4,200.00 |
Please note these are the maximum amounts allowed and may not be applicable in all circumstances.
The full program rules, policies and procedures can be found in our Administrative Plan under About Us, Public Housing Authority Plan.